3 keys to creating a positive brand culture
September 28, 2019
Brand culture helps businesses succeed by providing a foundation to sustain and promote a company’s values and mission. Creating a brand culture takes time and effort, as well as cooperation from each department. Before you begin creating your own brand culture, it’s important you understand what it is.
What is brand culture?
Brand culture is the result of a company’s effort to deliver its core brand values in every project and interaction. It’s the culture created by a company to express its brand transparently. A brand culture includes the behavior of people who work for a particular brand.
Here are three key steps to take when creating brand culture:
1. Introduce brand
Create a powerful, unique brand as soon as possible. This is the foundation of your company’s entire brand culture. By laying out the building blocks of brand for all departments, team members will fall in line with company values and thrive to be a part of brand culture.

In order to create a memorable brand culture, create or re-evaluate your company’s values. It’s important that these parallel the brand. More importantly, they need to be something all team members adhere to. A brand culture requires everyone to buy into the values and vision of a company. It also requires efficient brand management to ensure these efforts are running smoothly.
2. Inspire brand-specific communication and collaboration
All communication and collaboration should reflect the company brand at all times. This includes times when communication is private or when it’s with externals. Furthermore, any updates to brand should be relayed to team members in a manner that encourages ongoing conversation. It should not be a one-way street.
When team members collaborate on a project, it’s important they do so while promoting brand to the best of their ability. This is a large part of a brand culture and it applies further than in-house projects. Any collaboration with externals should include positive brand communication.

3. Include brand from start to finish
Whether it’s the start of a project or the beginning of a team member’s time with the company, make sure brand culture is immediately introduced and imposed. This involves ensuring everyone knows and understands the company mission as well as the core values.
Part of accomplishing this might include a visual display of values inside a workspace. In a physical location this could mean a printout hanging from the wall in a frame. Digitally, it could be distributed in the form of a handbook for new team members. Finally, your current team members act as representatives for the brand culture you’ve built, with their words and actions.
Building a brand culture requires interdepartmental cooperation, consistent reminder of core values and extensive evaluation of brand. It’s a continuous effort and commitment that will positively impact your customers. Make sure the brand culture you’ve created is promoting your company’s core values and vision.