Stuck in a storage rut? Use these 5 Dropbox tips and tricks
October 20, 2019
An in-depth understanding of Dropbox enhances your file storage experience. If you’ve been using Dropbox for your cloud storage, it’s time to unleash the true potential of the program by learning these undiscovered new concepts. Think outside the ‘box’ – Use Dropbox in ways that cater to your specific needs. Here are five Dropbox tips and tricks to uncover unique aspects of cloud storage.
1. Digitize documents
What is Dropbox? At its core, Dropbox is a cloud storage system where users can share files. Dig deeper, though, and it’s clear the system has so many more capabilities. On such feature is the ability to scan documents from paper format into digital. Once scanned, the paper document is searchable for members of a team. Use this unique trick to locate a particular idea in only seconds and complete projects hastily.
Searchable data has become a staple for modern organizations. One of the most powerful weapons of any software is the ability to recall crucial data rapidly. Books, newspaper articles, and business memos hold important information that organizations or individuals want to pinpoint. Digitize your documents with Dropbox to slice through your inquiry times.

2. Keep files current across all devices
Dropbox ensures all uploaded files go to every authorized user available. For a company project, any time a team member alters a file, the most recent edit will be shared across the board. This keeps all files current for every user of a team project or campaign.
There’s a meticulous accuracy to this feature as well. When a portion of the file is changed or updated, Dropbox ensures only the changed portion is brought to the cloud space. Because of this, edits and changes are transparent and don’t block the efficiency of a team project. Dropbox allows users to place necessary files into a created folder that syncs with the cloud system, which becomes a quick way for versions to stay updated.
3. Recover deleted files
Mistakes are inevitable but with Dropbox they can be minimized. Take for example the devastating error of deleting files unintentionally. This is quite common in large enterprises due to the fact many users have access to the files. Fortunately, Dropbox has backup systems in place to ensure nothing disastrous will result from a simple mistake.

Dropbox gives users the option to recover deleted files for a period of time after the deletion. The standard time allowance to recover the file is thirty days, which is more than enough to realize a mistake has been made. If the situation arises where more time is needed, Dropbox has an option to extend the recovery period to a year.
4. Choose your own security
Peace-of-mind comes from control and organization. Dropbox, on the one hand, secures files automatically. However, the superior avenue to ease worries and satisfy your specific needs comes from choosing your own security system.
Apps such as Encrypto and Boxcryptor allow users to encrypt their files before uploading them to Dropbox. Organizations can establish a company-wide password on all their files before moving them to Dropbox. This protects data at a higher, more efficient level. Furthermore, organizations and individuals alike establish the encryption of their preference.

5. Expand your ability to retrieve information
Strengthen the authority of a project by accepting more input from multiple sources. Most individuals believe Dropbox limits interaction and file-sharing exclusively to Dropbox users. However, this isn’t the case. Maximize the input from multiple authorities using the ‘file request’ feature. This gives people without Dropbox a chance to upload and share files without creating a Dropbox account. There is limitless potential when an organization isn’t handcuffed by restrictions to access. This feature creates endless opportunities for asset distribution.
Push the limits of Dropbox and have the software sync with your needs. Projects and ideas flourish when users take control of their tools and optimize them. Ensure your next team project is completed efficiently by using Dropbox in these unconventional ways.
Now that you are exploiting Dropbox to your advantage, expand control of your data by using a digital asset management system. DAM by Canto is integrated with Dropbox, adding valuable metadata and security to files imported from Dropbox into your main library.