Canto Customers
Discover why companies all over the world have partnered with Canto to organize and share their digital brand assets
University of South Carolina – Upstate
USC Upstate removes bottlenecks to meaningful collaboration
Veolia organizes brand assets for international teams with Canto
Downtown Boston Business Improvement District
Downtown Boston Business Improvement District optimizes digital asset management
Seattle Housing Authority
Seattle Housing Authority uses visual storytelling to help low-Income families
Inspirato democratizes content with a central destination for media assets
Seattle Aquarium
Seattle Aquarium changes the tides of conservation policy
Bumkins provides easy self-service access to imagery for retailers worldwide
Falcon Structures
Falcon Structures creates a smoother sales experience
Visit Seattle
Visit Seattle streamlines media outreach to drive record-breaking tourism
Boral North America
The Stone Division at Boral America enables self-service access to imagery
The Honest Kitchen
The Honest Kitchen shares product images with over 4,000 retailers
DI Development Company
Why DI Development Company switched to Canto