What is file management?

Modern businesses run on digital files. Learn the basics of effective file management — from best practices to choosing the best file management system.

File management is the process of organizing, storing, and retrieving digital files. It includes systems to help people find files, naming files clearly, backing up files, and controlling who can access files. Organizations need effective file management strategies so they can function efficiently and protect their data.

What is a file management system?

A file management system is software for managing electronic documents and digital assets. These file management tools go beyond ordinary file storage — providing features that help create, organize, and distribute files at scale. Companies use file management systems to streamline workflows and protect their content.

The software typically includes a searchable database, automated workflows, and version controls. It allows users to collaborate on documents in real time and distribute them efficiently across the organization. An efficient file management system is critical to maintaining data integrity, increasing productivity, and ensuring compliance.

Purchasing a file management system is a wise investment for any organization looking to streamline its asset organization.

What are the best practices for file management?

The best practices include:

Organize your files: Ensure your important documents, content, and other digital assets are sorted into folders and subfolders for team members to easily find Standardize file naming: Decide on a naming convention that includes clear and descriptive document names — and make sure you stick to it. Back up your documents: If you’re not working with cloud storage (and even if you are), make sure that your important files are getting backed up often Optional step — optimizing with software solution: Stop wasting time on repetitive tasks or worrying about the accidental deletion of documents — find a digital asset management tool that can handle everything for you

What are the benefits of having file management software?

File management software is critical to any organization that needs to access, share, and secure their essential documents. With organizations having offices around the world or having employees working from home and stretched across several time zones, having paper documents in a file cabinet or digital files saved to a desktop doesn’t make sense anymore. Now, cloud-based document management software is essential to safeguarding critical data.

It’s an important tool that enables an organization to save precious time by finding documents quickly and assists in generating faster responses to inquiries from internal and external teams. Additionally, this software maintains historical folders, making sure that your team has access to assets as far back as the documents go.

Without these systems, many organizations can suffer from data loss due to accidental file deletion or hard drive failures. Having a file management system in places means that the organization can keep its data safe and secure, making it a vital tool for all organizations.

Who needs file management software?

Almost every organization faces the challenge of efficiently managing the different types of digital assets created by their internal and external teams. Having reliable and feature-rich file management software is valuable to every organization, regardless of industry. It makes streamlining content management a breeze and empowers users with tools such as project management capabilities, version control functionality, and collaboration features. Most file management platforms have robust search functionalities that allow users to effortlessly locate, edit, and share content, leading to significant time savings and increased productivity.

Embracing professional-grade file management software can significantly benefit anyone dealing with digital assets regularly. Whether you’re looking for something to help your team members with document sharing or if you need an enterprise content management solution, file management software can help.

What is the difference between file storage and file management?

File storage refers to the physical or digital location where files are stored, while file management refers to the processes and tools used to organize, track, and control access to those files. File management involves tasks such as file naming, version control, file organization, and file security.

Does your organization need a file manager?

Nearly every organization manages digital assets. Without an efficient asset manager in place, it can be a daunting task to locate and access crucial information. Organizations that cannot quickly find files lose productivity to lengthy file and folder searches.

A document management system offers an organized method of filing and retrieving documents, saving time and resources. The system provides the ability to quickly search and find relevant information or share assets with colleagues, leading to a more streamlined workflow and improved collaboration. Whether your organization is small or large, a reliable document management system should be a top priority to enhance productivity and optimize operations.

Things to look for when choosing an efficient file management system

There are a lot of factors to keep in mind if you want to be sure that you select the best file management system for your organization. Here are some important features that you should consider prioritizing when selecting the best file management system for your organization:

Ease of use: Look for a platform that is intuitive and user-friendly. It should be straightforward for your team to navigate and perform common tasks like uploading, accessing, and organizing files. A user-friendly system can save time and reduce the learning curve for your team, leading to higher adoption rates and increased efficiency. Project management integrations: This is essential if your organization relies on project-based work. These integrations allow you to seamlessly connect your file management system with project management tools. Integration with project management software like Adobe Workfront, monday.com, and Wrike can help streamline workflows even more. Solid collaboration features: Robust collaboration features enable multiple team members to work together on documents and files in real-time. Effective collaboration features promote teamwork, reduce errors, and enhance overall productivity within your organization.

With these factors in mind, you can confidently choose an asset management system that will meet your needs, keep files organized, and increase productivity.

An overview uses columns and symbols to show which three types of file management systems there are.

What are the three types of file management systems?

There are three main types of file management: hierarchical, network, and relational. Hierarchical file management organizes files in a tree-like structure, with folders and subfolders. A relational file management system allows you to organize files based on their relationship to other files. A network file management system operates across multiple computers connected to a network, allowing you to share and access files from various devices.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the right system for your specific needs.

Hierarchical file managers

Hierarchical is the simplest and most widely used file management system. Content and folders are organized in a tree-like structure with a single root folder. It doesn’t require any additional software. This type of manager is the go-to for many organizations because it has key features that make it easy to use, including:

Intuitive organizational system Easy to navigate and find assets

Why should you consider a hierarchical system?

Simplicity and familiarity: The system mirrors physical filing systems, making it easy to understand and navigate. If you’ve ever organized documents into folders and subfolders, you already know how to use them. Efficient file retrieval: Hierarchical structure allows for quick and efficient file retrieval. You know exactly where to go to find a specific asset or document.. Scalability: As your volume of assets grows, the hierarchical system can easily be expanded by adding more subfolders. Improved collaboration: It facilitates team collaboration as assets are organized logically, making it easy for team members to locate and share data.

Network file managers

Network file management is a system that facilitates asset sharing and collaboration over a network. It does require a server or cloud-based storage solution. It is a great choice for organizations with multiple users who need to access and modify shared resources, especially because it has these key features:

Centralized asset storage Simplifies collaboration and access control

Why should you consider a network system?

The advantages of a network system are manifold and could bring immense value to your organization. Consider adopting it if you’re looking for:

Streamlined collaboration: With centralized asset storage, multiple users can access, modify, and share assets effortlessly, promoting collaborative work and minimizing duplication.. Convenience: It provides a platform for sharing assets across different devices and locations, enabling team members to work remotely while maintaining efficiency. Security: The system includes robust access control features, allowing you to manage who can view and edit assets, thus enhancing data security. Backup and recovery: Network systems often come with backup and recovery options, mitigating data loss risks, and ensuring business continuity.

Relational file managers

Relational file management is a system that utilizes databases to relate assets based on specific attributes, such as keywords or project names. Unlike the other two, this type of manager requires specialized software or custom a database solution. It is ideal for organizing large volumes of assets that need to be searched or filtered regularly, especially if you’re looking for these key features:

Highly scalable and customizable Enables complex searches and document retrieval

Why should you consider a relational system?

Increased efficiency: With a well-designed database structure, users can quickly search and retrieve specific assets without manually sorting through large volumes of information. Enhanced collaboration: By relating assets through common attributes, team members can easily locate and access the same assets, streamlining collaboration processes Cost-effective: While setting up a relational file management system may require an initial investment in software or development, it can save time and resources in the long run by increasing productivity and reducing errors.
Two colleagues look at a laptop; in the background a user interface of a DAM system that is used for file management and a photo that was found as a digital asset in this system.

How to evaluate an effective file management system that meets your organization’s need

Before you start considering different file management systems, take the time to evaluate your organization’s specific needs:

Define your organization’s applications (e.g. Google Drive, cloud storage systems, Microsoft Office, Microsoft SharePoint, Adobe Creative Suite) and asset types (images, videos, mobile apps, etc.). Identify the storage capacity you require for migrating all your files into the new file management system. Determine the level of asset collaboration your team members need within the organization. Specify how many repetitive tasks and manual processes your team handles daily to ensure you get the exact features you need in the new platform.

By defining your organization’s unique requirements, you can narrow down the list of potential file management systems suitable for your needs.

What features should you consider?

The best file management system for your organization is going to vary greatly depending on what your needs are. However, most organizations have similar requirements when it comes to digital asset organization. There are some tried-and-true features that you should consider when you’re looking for an outstanding user experience for the members of your organization. Some key features to be on the lookout for include:

Content organization: If you need better ways to search, manage, and share digital assets, you should investigate software that gives you a structured way of organizing assets. These organization options may include folders, tags, and labels right out of the box. Search functionality: Consider a robust search feature to enable users to quickly find assets, (like Canto AI Visual Search) in the file manager based on keywords, asset types, or metadata. Version control: Never worry about recreating missing documents or losing old versions again. Having an asset manager that has version control built in empowers your users to track changes and revert to previous versions within the software as needed. Access permissions: Ensure that your in-house administrators have the ability to set up access control and permissions for different user roles in the platform. That way, you never have to wait for the software company to add a new user. Asset collaboration: Your teams work hard and must work together to get everything you need done to meet deadlines. Any asset manager should have real-time editing and collaboration on any documents stored there, from images to videos—and have a way for stakeholders to comment on the asset. Reporting: Some file management systems offer reporting functionality. This is useful to see which files are getting used most and which are underutilized — so you can be better informed about how content performs. Backup and disaster recovery: The system should offer regular backups and have a plan in place for disaster recovery.

Security and compliance

Security is a paramount concern when managing sensitive assets. For this step, you should get your IT department involved, just to make sure that all of your bases are covered. However, from experience, we recommend ensuring that the software you choose offers:

Encryption: Make sure that the data you’re storing is encrypted. This can get complicated, so once you start talking about this with prospective software providers, bring in someone from your IT team. User authentication: Make sure that the file manager you’re looking at includes the forms of user authentication that your company requires such as single sign-on, multi-factor authentication, or identity management integrations. Compliance: This is a big one. Depending on your industry and the clients you serve, there may be several compliance hoops you need to work through. Bring in your IT and security teams to ensure that the software you’re looking at complies with regulations relevant to your organization (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA, etc.).

Integration and customization

Being able to customize a solution to your needs is essential. While you might want to hit the ground running with an out-of-the-box solution, make sure that you choose file management software that has integrations with your existing tech stack. Some things you should include on your checklist are:

Third-party integrationsLook for a robust API to allow for easy integration with other tools and services that your team is currently using or will use in the future. Customization optionsUsers should be able to customize the new system to fit their specific needs and workflows. This could include creating and managing metadata custom fields, setting up automated workflows, or designing personalized dashboards.