As a startup with operations spread across New York, San Francisco and Singapore, Kodakit wanted to leverage “big company” digital asset management (DAM) best practices within their team environment. They needed to communicate with vendors all around the world, while also implementing a solution that could work across departments to yield maximum value from their DAM investment.
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Kodakit Leverages Big Company DAM Best Practices in a Startup Environment
The goal
The startup needed to centralize all their files, including visual assets and documents, to better enable their marketing and sales teams.
The result
Kodakit now has a scalable DAM solution that keeps all teams in sync.
Kodakit conducted a review of DAM systems, and ultimately selected Canto. They then made our media library available to a range of departments across their organization to help them tag, organize, archive and share digital assets from a central, shared location.
We didn’t have the need for ultra complex solutions, but also needed something that could scale, and this is why we searched for a solution like yours.
The Kodakit marketing team has been able to significantly speed delivery of marketing collateral, both through daily internal production processes and by using Canto portals to coordinate with outside partners and vendors. Sales and operations uses Canto for daily to weekly management of digital assets across multinational teams, while product development uses the system to share and archive internal documents.
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