Success story

Liberty Science Center




Jersey City, NJ


Liberty Science Center organizes 25 years of photos and videos with Canto

The goal

The museum needed an easy and quick way to find photos from their 25-year-old media library.

The result

The marketing and design teams can now find assets in a centralized, user-friendly platform.


Searching for a quality image to use in promotional materials for Liberty Science Center took countless hours manually scouring Google Drive and local folders.

As the Head of Advertising and Promotions, Elizabeth Romanaux struggled to find certain types of imagery she needed since in addition to randomly named files on the share drive people kept photos on their computer hard drives. Elizabeth and others had to manually look through folders one by one, looking for specific photos.

The issue became even more important as the science center approached its 25th anniversary and Elizabeth knew she would receive requests to find photos and videos dating back to the 1980’s that were squirreled away in odd places.


Elizabeth investigated a number of digital asset management (DAM) vendors. She wanted a simple, intuitive system allowing non-tech users and the graphic design team to easily find content, without having to involve IT in a big project. They selected Canto to organize and tag all their images, logos, layouts and even videos in one central place.

Canto is a fabulous product! We’re very happy with its ease of use. When I think about all the hours I’ve wasted searching for files over the years… we should have done this a long time ago!

Elizabeth RomanauxHead of Advertising and Promotions


The marketing and design teams can now search intuitively for imagery in one place. Elizabeth loves using upload links which allows her to send a link to outside photographers who can directly load images into Canto where they can be approved and saved in the system.