What’s New in Canto: 2023 Roadmap, Latest Features, and New Integrations


Join Canto’s VP of Product Josh Gibbs, along with Director of Product Management Sebastian Picklum, as they share the latest strategies, workflows, and technologies that drove content and creative production for successful brands in 2022, and how you can do the same in 2023.

Learn about upcoming core DAM product updates, the newest features you’ve been waiting for, and the hottest new integrations including Adobe Workfront, Wrike, Hootsuite, Canva, and more.

You will also hear from Canto customer Habitat for Humanity Canada sharing the results they are experiencing with Canto’s latest releases.

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Josh Gibbs

Vice President of Product

Josh Gibbs is currently Vice President of Product at Canto. With his unique combination of software product management, user interface and heuristics design, and integrated marketing skills, he previously developed compelling products and go-to-market campaigns for companies such as Cisco, VMware, Hewlett-Packard, Skype, Bandwidth, and Salesforce.

Previously recorded webinars

How Retail Brands and Manufacturers Can Win in 2025 (AMER)

The Future of Digital Content: Trends, Strategies, and Technology for Marketing Success in 2025

3 Steps to Unify Product Data and Elevate Brand Experiences

Ready to take control of your media library? Get a free, personalized consultation with an expert.